Doks 1.0

September 12, 2023 by Henk Verlinde Henk Verlinde1 minute

Doks 1.0

Doks 1.0 is a restructure release, making Doks more robust, reliable, and flexible.

Introducing Doks 1.0!

Doks 1.0 is a restructure release, making Doks more robust, reliable, and flexible. Doks is a full-featured documentation theme built on top of the Hyas framework.

You can upgrade to Doks 1.0 by following the Upgrade to v1 migration guide.

You can create a new Hyas + Doks project running the following command:

This will create a new project directory with all the necessary files and configurations for your site.

Or you can:

Build an amazing docs site!