Authoring Content

Doks supports the full range of Markdown syntax in .md files as well as frontmatter YAML, TOML, or JSON to define metadata such as a title and description.


You can customize individual pages in Doks by setting values in their frontmatter. Frontmatter is set at the top of your files between --- separators:

title: My page title

Page content follows the second `---`.

Every page must include at least a title. See the frontmatter reference for all available fields and how to add custom fields.

Inline styles

Text can be bold, italic, or strikethrough.

Text can be **bold**, _italic_, or ~~strikethrough~~.

You can link to another page.

You can [link to another page](/docs/start-here/getting-started/).

You can highlight inline code with backticks.

You can highlight `inline code` with backticks.


Images in Doks use Hyas’ Images integration.

Hyas Images supports the Markdown syntax for displaying images that includes alt-text for screen readers and assistive technology.

A small bird standing on the ground next to a body of water

![A small bird standing on the ground next to a body of water](vincent-van-zalinge-ip3v0lN8rQg-unsplash.jpg)


You can structure content using a heading. Headings in Markdown are indicated by a number of # at the start of the line.

How to structure page content in Doks

Doks is configured to automatically use your page title as a top-level heading. We recommend starting each page with regular paragraph text content and using on-page headings from <h2> and down:

title: Markdown Guide
description: How to use Markdown in Doks

This page describes how to use Markdown in Doks.

## Inline Styles

## Headings

Using headings in Markdown will automatically give you anchor links so you can link directly to certain sections of your page:

title: My page of content
description: How to use Doks' built-in anchor links

## Introduction

I can link to [my conclusion](#conclusion) lower on the same page.

## Conclusion

`` navigates directly to my Introduction.

Level 2 (<h2>) and Level 3 (<h3>) headings will automatically appear in the page table of contents — the “On this page” section.


This is a blockquote, which is commonly used when quoting another person or document.

Blockquotes are indicated by a > at the start of each line.

> This is a blockquote, which is commonly used when quoting another person or document.
> Blockquotes are indicated by a `>` at the start of each line.

Code blocks

A code block is indicated by a block with three backticks ``` at the start and end. You can indicate the programming language being used after the opening backticks.

// Go code with syntax highlighting.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")
// Go code with syntax highlighting.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

Extended code formatting

Need extended code formatting? See our Code blocks guides.

Other common Markdown features

Doks supports all other Markdown authoring syntax, such as lists and tables. See Markdown Basic Syntax and Markdown Extended Syntax for a quick overview of all Markdown syntax elements.