Upgrade to Doks v1

This guide will help you migrate from Doks v0.5 to Doks v1.

Upgrade Doks

You can update your project by following the steps below.

1. Clean dependencies

Clean dependencies currently installed to avoid conflicts.

2. Update package.json

Replace the contents of your project’s package.json with the following:

  "name": "doks",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "description": "Doks theme",
  "author": "Hyas",
  "license": "MIT",
  "scripts": {
    "create": "hugo new",
    "dev": "hugo server --disableFastRender --noHTTPCache",
    "format": "prettier **/** -w -c",
    "build": "hugo --minify --gc",
    "preview": "vite preview --outDir public"
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=20.11.0"

3. Install dependencies

Install the latest versions of Doks and other dependencies in your project:

4. Install Prettier and Vite

Install the latest versions of Prettier and Vite — as devDependencies:

5. Configure Doks

Add site configuration

Rename config/_default/config.toml to config/_default/hugo.toml and add the following settings:

title = "My Docs"
baseurl = "http://localhost/"
canonifyURLs = false
disableAliases = true
disableHugoGeneratorInject = true
# disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
enableEmoji = true
enableGitInfo = false
enableRobotsTXT = true
languageCode = "en-US"
paginate = 10
rssLimit = 10
summarylength = 20 # 70 (default)

# Multilingual
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
disableLanguages = ["de", "nl"]
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false

copyRight = "Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Hyas"

  enable = true

  home = ["HTML", "RSS", "searchIndex"]
  section = ["HTML", "RSS", "SITEMAP"]

  mediaType = "application/json"
  baseName = "search-index"
  isPlainText = true
  notAlternative = true

# Add output format for section sitemap.xml
  mediaType = "application/xml"
  baseName = "sitemap"
  isHTML = false
  isPlainText = true
  noUgly = true
  rel  = "sitemap"

  changefreq = "monthly"
  filename = "sitemap.xml"
  priority = 0.5

    dir = ":cacheDir/:project"
    maxAge = -1 # "30m"

  contributor = "contributors"
  category = "categories"
  tag = "tags"

  blog = "/blog/:slug/"
  docs = "/docs/:sections[1:]/:slug/"
# docs = "/docs/1.0/:sections[1:]/:slug/"

  keepWhitespace = false

  threshold = 80
  includeNewer = true
  toLower = false
      name = "categories"
      weight = 100
      name = "tags"
      weight = 80
      name = "date"
      weight = 10

  anchor = "Center"
  bgColor = "#ffffff"
  hint = "photo"
  quality = 85
  resampleFilter = "Lanczos"

Add mounts

Create config/_default/module.toml and add the following mounts:

# mounts
## archetypes
  source = "node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/archetypes"
  target = "archetypes"

  source = "archetypes"
  target = "archetypes"

## assets
  source = "node_modules/@hyas/core/assets"
  target = "assets"

  source = "node_modules/@hyas/images/assets"
  target = "assets"

  source = "node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/assets"
  target = "assets"

  source = "node_modules/@tabler/icons/icons"
  target = "assets/svgs/tabler-icons"

  source = "assets"
  target = "assets"

## content
  source = "content"
  target = "content"

## data
  source = "node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/data"
  target = "data"

  source = "data"
  target = "data"

## i18n
  source = "node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/i18n"
  target = "i18n"

  source = "i18n"
  target = "i18n"

## layouts
  source = "node_modules/@hyas/core/layouts"
  target = "layouts"

  source = "node_modules/@hyas/seo/layouts"
  target = "layouts"

  source = "node_modules/@hyas/images/layouts"
  target = "layouts"

  source = "node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/layouts"
  target = "layouts"

  source = "node_modules/@hyas/inline-svg/layouts"
  target = "layouts"

  source = "layouts"
  target = "layouts"

## static
  source = "node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/static"
  target = "static"

  source = "static"
  target = "static"

Add parameters

Add the following parameters to config/_default/params.toml:

# Hugo
title = "My Docs"
description = "Congrats on setting up a new Doks project!"
images = ["cover.png"]

# mainSections
mainSections = ["docs"]

  twitter = "getdoks"

# Doks (@hyas/doks-core)
  # Color mode
  colorMode = "auto" # auto (default), light or dark
  colorModeToggler = true # true (default) or false (this setting is only relevant when colorMode = auto)

  # Navbar
  navbarSticky = true # true (default) or false
  containerBreakpoint = "lg" # "", "sm", "md", "lg" (default), "xl", "xxl", or "fluid"

  ## Button
  navBarButton = false # false (default) or true
  navBarButtonUrl = "/docs/prologue/introduction/"
  navBarButtonText = "Get started"

  # FlexSearch
  flexSearch = true # true (default) or false
  searchExclKinds = [] # list of page kinds to exclude from search indexing (e.g. ["home", "taxonomy", "term"] )
  searchExclTypes = [] # list of content types to exclude from search indexing (e.g. ["blog", "docs", "legal", "contributors", "categories"])
  showSearch = [] # [] (all pages, default) or homepage (optionally) and list of sections (e.g. ["homepage", "blog", "guides"])
  indexSummary = false # true or false (default); whether to index only the `.Summary` instead of the full `.Content`; limits the respective JSON field size and thus increases loading time

  ## Search results
  showDate = false # false (default) or true
  showSummary = true # true (default) or false
  searchLimit = 99 # 0 (no limit, default) or natural number

  # Global alert
  alert = false # false (default) or true
  alertDismissable = true # true (default) or false

  # Bootstrap
  bootstrapJavascript = false # false (default) or true

  # Nav
  sectionNav = ["docs"] # ["docs"] (default) or list of sections (e.g. ["docs", "guides"])
  toTopButton = false # false (default) or true
  breadcrumbTrail = false # false (default) or true
  headlineHash = true # true (default) or false
  scrollSpy = true # true (default) or false

  # Multilingual
  multilingualMode = false # false (default) or true
  showMissingLanguages = true # whether or not to show untranslated languages in the language menu; true (default) or false

  # Versioning
  docsVersioning = false # false (default) or true
  docsVersion = "1.0"

  # UX
  headerBar = false # true (default) or false
  backgroundDots = true # true (default) or false

  # Homepage
  sectionFooter = false # false (default) or true

  # Blog
  relatedPosts = false # false (default) or true
  imageList = true # true (default) or false
  imageSingle = true # true (default) or false

  # Repository
  editPage = false # false (default) or true
  lastMod = false # false (default) or true
  repoHost = "GitHub" # GitHub (default), Gitea, GitLab, Bitbucket, or BitbucketServer
  docsRepo = "https://github.com/h-enk/doks"
  docsRepoBranch = "main" # main (default), master, or <branch name>
  docsRepoSubPath = "" # "" (none, default) or <sub path>

  # SCSS colors
  # backGround = "yellowgreen"
  ## Dark theme
  # textDark = "#dee2e6" # "#dee2e6" (default), "#dee2e6" (orignal), or custom color
  # accentDark = "#5d2f86" # "#5d2f86" (default), "#5d2f86" (original), or custom color
  ## Light theme
  # textLight = "#1d2d35" # "#1d2d35" (default), "#1d2d35" (orignal), or custom color
  # accentLight = "#8ed6fb" # "#8ed6fb" (default), "#8ed6fb" (orignal), or custom color

  # [doks.menu]
  #   [doks.menu.section]
  #     auto = true # true (default) or false
  #     collapsibleSidebar = true # true (default) or false

# Debug
  errorLevel = 'ignore' # ignore (default), warning, or error (fails the build)

  errorLevel = 'ignore' # ignore (default), warning, or error (fails the build)
  highlightBroken = false # true or false (default)

# Images (@hyas/images)
    decoding = "async" # sync, async, or auto (default)
    fetchpriority = "auto" # high, low, or auto (default)
    loading = "lazy" # eager or lazy (default)
    widths = [480, 576, 768, 1025, 1200, 1440] # [640, 768, 1024, 1366, 1600, 1920] for example
    sizes = "auto" # 100vw (default), 75vw, or auto for example
    process = "" # "fill 1600x900" or "fill 2100x900" for example
    lqip = "16x webp q20" # "16x webp q20" or "21x webp q20" for example

# Inline SVG (@hyas/inline-svg)
  iconSetDir = "tabler-icons" # "tabler-icons" (default)

# SEO (@hyas/seo)
    separator = " | "
    suffix = ""
    sizes = []
    icon = "favicon.png" # favicon.png (default)
    svgIcon = "favicon.svg" # favicon.svg (default)
    maskIcon = "mask-icon.svg" # mask-icon.svg (default)
    maskIconColor = "white" # white (default)
    type = "Organization" # Organization (default) or Person
    logo = "favicon-512x512.png" # Logo of Organization — favicon-512x512.png (default)
    name = "Hyas" # Name of Organization or Person
    sameAs = [] # E.g. ["https://github.com/gethyas/hyas", "https://fosstodon.org/@hyas"]
    images = ["cover.png"] # ["cover.png"] (default)
    article = [] # Article sections
    newsArticle = [] # NewsArticle sections
    blogPosting = ["blog"] # BlogPosting sections
    product = [] # Product sections

Add PostCSS settings

Add the following settings to config/postcss.config.js:

const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
const purgecss = require('@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss');
const whitelister = require('purgecss-whitelister');

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            content: ['./hugo_stats.json'],
            extractors: [
                    extractor: (content) => {
                        const els = JSON.parse(content).htmlElements;
                        return els.tags.concat(els.classes, els.ids);
                    extensions: ['json']
            dynamicAttributes: [
                'data-pane', // tabs.js
                'data-toggle-tab', // tabs.js
            safelist: [
                'btn-clipboard', // clipboards.js
                'clipboard', // clipboards.js
                'modal-backdrop', // search-modal.js
                'selected', // search-modal.js
                'container-fw ',
                ...whitelister(['./assets/scss/**/*.scss', './node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/assets/scss/components/_code.scss', './node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/assets/scss/components/_expressive-code.scss', './node_modules/@hyas/doks-core/assets/scss/common/_syntax.scss'])

6. Update assets

Rename the current assets directory to assets-backup. Download the Doks source code of the latest release. Extract the archive and copy the assets directory into your project’s root.

7. Update layouts

Rename the current layouts directory to layouts-backup. Download the Doks source code of the latest release. Extract the archive and copy the layouts directory into your project’s root.

Add default content

Rename the current content directory to content-backup. Download the Doks source code of the latest release. Extract the archive and copy the content directory into your project’s root.

Need to continue?

After upgrading Doks to the latest version, you may not need to make any changes to your project at all!

But, if you notice errors or unexpected behavior, please check below for what has changed that might need updating in your project.

Known Issues


When you get an ENOENT error message, clean and reinstall your projects’ dependencies: